Research & Labs
Our industry-relevant labs offer students from around the world the opportunity to create projects that can have a positive impact on society and instill a strong understanding of the basic principles of the program.
Since 1994, ITU has built a foundation of research projects focused on finding real-world solutions to the problems of the modern world. The university’s Electrical Engineering Program has successfully developed projects that offer resolutions for diabetes management, robotics automation, and personal electricity monitoring.
Our Labs
Bio Electronics Lab
We develop novel, wearable devices for monitoring human health such as blood glucose level and calorie expenditure.
AI Lab
The AI Lab is a fundamental research lab focusing on developmental robotics, autonomous learning and language acquisition.
Embedded Research Lab
ITU Embedded Research Lab is focusing on developing efficient techniques, methodologies, frameworks and prototypes for low-power, high-performance and reliable embedded systems and Internet of Things.
Research Project Highlights
A method of controlling an information board comprises the steps of sensing a gesture using a gesture capturing controller, determining a type of action having provided the gesture expression from the gesture capturing controller, where the type of command is one of a navigation request. Depending on the determined type of gesture, user interface elements of a spatial configuration are displayed.
A smart meter system architecture comprises of a local server, a coordinator, and a plurality of smart meters in a one-to-many data communication system configuration is disclosed. The invention discloses the architecture for a coordinator-server interface control register, data registers, routing table, non-volatile memory, parameter register, non-interruptible battery backup subsystem, and a low-power energy calculation and calibration method for resistive loads.
Patent Applications
A data communication architecture for a smart meter system comprised of a local server, a coordinator, and a plurality of smart meters in a one-to-many data communication system configuration is described.
A transformer-less method and system for voltage and current sensing using voltage drops across resistors is disclosed. Using optically coupled isolators, the sensed voltages in the high voltage power lines are optically coupled and electrically isolated to the low voltage circuits. The circuit designs for voltage and current sensing’s and electrical isolation are disclosed.
An improved data packet design that can be used in a variety of data communication standards used in smart meter systems is disclosed. In an embodiment a smart meter system that comprises of a local server, a coordinator and a plurality of smart meters in the many-to-one data communication system configuration. The smart meter uses a variety of types of data packets. The data packets contain the commands, parameters, and data for system control and data transmission. The data packet designs are disclosed for a route discovery command, a get parameter command, a set parameter command, a get data command, a reset command, a relay command, a start command, and a calibration command that are used in the smart meter system.
Research Projects
Research Publications
- Tao Hu, May Huang, A New Stereo Matching Algorithm for Binocular Vision, ICHIT 2009, Korea
- Peng Wang, Yi Liu, Taiheng (Matthew) Jin, May Huang, Real-Time Map Generation Using Constraint Delaunay Triangulation ICHIT 2011, Korea
- Xiaolan Bai, May Huang,Accuracy Analysis of Power Characterization and Modeling ICHIT 2011, Korea
- Hu Xu, Lei Shu, May Huang,Planning Paths with Fewer Turns on Grid Maps, The Sixth Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Search (SoCS 2013), Leavenworth, WA, USA
- Lei Shu, Hu Xu, May Huang, High-Speed and Accurate Laser Scan Matching Using Classified Features, IEEE International Symposium on Robotic and Sensors Environments (ROSE 2013), Washington DC, USA
- Xin Zhao and Schmidt. J. Dominik, Tunable Fabry-Perot filter for optical glucose monitoring, Conference of Biodevice, 2014,France
- Yen-Chun Yeh, Sheng Yang, Fan Zhao, Dominik Schmitt, Noninvasive glucose monitoring by Mid-Infrared self-emission method, Conference of Biodevice, 2014,France
- Sheng Yang, Yen-Chun Yeh, John J. Ladasky and Dominik J. Schmidt, Algorithm to calculate human calorie expenditure based on a predicted heat strain model, the 2016 IEEE-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics
- Sheng Yang, Yen-Chun Yeh, John Ladasky, Avid Farhoodfar, Dominik Schmidt, Single chip AWG-based Raman spectroscopy for continuous glucose monitoring, 2016 SPIE
- Yen-Chun Yeh, Sheng Yang, Dominik Schmidt, Self-emission glucose monitoring system with single chip guided-mode, 2016 SPIE
- Ming Li, Hao Qin, and May Huang, RGB-D Image-based Pose Estimation with Monte Carlo Localization, 3rd International Conference on Control, Automation and Robotics (ICCAR), 2017, Japan