Institutional Effectiveness and Assessment (IEA)

The Department of Institutional Effectiveness & Assessment serves the ITU community and external constituents by providing data and analytics related to students, faculty, staff, programs, finances, and policies.

The IEA department conducts research and analysis to obtain data that promotes best practices across the ITU community. This data is officially reported to various state and federal agencies, as well as accreditation agencies and the general public.

For all data requests, please review the reports and surveys provided in the links below. If you are unable to find the data you are looking for, please contact us at Requests will generally be answered in one week, depending on complexity.

IEA can provide data on:

· Official Enrollment Information
· Graduation and Retention Rates
· Faculty Headcount
· Historical Data
· Course Information
· Degrees Conferred
· Other Statistical Data

Download our University Fact Book at the button below.


Overall University Accreditation



  • Total Enrollment by Term (Available upon request)
  • Enrollments by Major
    • 2008 – 2017 report (Available upon request)
    • 2018 – 2021 report (Available upon request)
    • 2021-2024 report (Available upon request)
  • Enrolled by Gender
  • Enrollments by Country of Citizenship (Available upon request)
  • Average Age by Year


Program Review

Census Dates

– Spring 2021 – Census Date: 2/8/2021
– Summer 2021 – Census Date: 6/7/2021

– Fall 2021 – Census Date: 10/4/2021

Course Evaluations

Are my responses confidential?

Be assured that individual student responses to course evaluations are confidential. Instructors will only have access to aggregated results from the evaluation and the submitted comments, NEVER individual responses. Names, ID numbers, usernames, or any other identifying information will never appear with the results of an evaluation.

The instructor cannot see individual responses nor can the instructor determine who submitted the comments (unless the student identifies him or herself in the comments). The instructor also does not know which students responded; the instructor only knows the number of responses and the total enrollment of the class.

Instructors NEVER see the results of the course evaluations until after all their final grades have been submitted to the registrar. Course evaluation results are not released until after all final grades for all classes have been submitted to the Office of the Registrar. At that point, instructors will have access to the aggregated results of their course evaluations as well as student comments.

Why do I need to log in if my responses are confidential?

Only students who are enrolled in a class should be eligible to evaluate it. Logging in the EMS to evaluate your class guarantees that only those students enrolled in a given class will be able to evaluate the class. This also guarantees that a student will only evaluate a class once.


Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System

Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) Reports
Click a year to view available reports. For more information on IPEDS surveys see the NCES/IPEDS site.
Reports are published as soon as they become available.










-) 2020-2021: #98 Best California Colleges
-) 2013-2021: # 195-717 National Science Foundation