Internship Request Procedure

Finding An Internship

Take advantage of the many great resources to find an internship. and Intern Match advertise many Bay Area-based opportunities related to ITU graduate programs. You can also contact our Career Services for assistance at


All internship requests must follow the procedure below. Students who do not follow this procedure may see their internship requests delayed or denied. Students are reminded that they may not begin an internship until all parts of this procedure have been completed. (Note: Students attending ITU on an F-1 student visa must not begin a new or renewed internship until they receive an updated I-20 with Curricular Practical Training (CPT).)

Step 1:

Offer Letter (Required Items)

Sample Offer Letter
Obtain a typed, signed letter from the internship provider on the provider’s letterhead. The letter must include the following:

  • Supplemental: A statement confirming that the position and duties to be performed are supplemental to the provider’s current staffing and will not replace or replicate an existing or vacant position.
  • Dates: Start and End dates of the Trimester applying for. (i.e. Start date cannot be earlier or later than the start of the term, and End date cannot be later or earlier than the end of the term)
  • Title and Specific Duties: A list of the specific duties to be performed in the internship (see samples below)
  • Addresses: The provider’s headquarters and the name and address of the site where the internship will take place if in a different location
  • Hours: The number of hours per week the student will spend in the internship
  • Goals and Objectives: A minimum of three specific goals or objectives of the internship, such as the knowledge and skills the student will gain through this opportunity that relate to the degree program.
  • Pay Rate: Paid or Unpaid.
  • Supervisor Name and E-mail Address: The full name and e-mail address of the person at the internship provider’s organization who will supervise the intern.
  • E-verify or Employer Identification Number (EIN): The E-Verify or EIN number of the internship provider is required by the university to show that the provider is able to offer a legitimate internship.
  • Signature: The signature of the person at the internship provider’s organization who will supervise the intern
  • Company Letterhead: Offer letter generated on document with identifying company letterhead.

Step 2:

Internship Cooperative Agreement

Attach a copy of the Internship Cooperative Agreement signed by your internship provider.


Step 3:


Students will not be allowed to begin an internship until all tuition and fees for prior terms and for the trimester the internship will take place in have been paid in full. Click here for information about paying tuition and fees.


Step 4:

Request Form

Complete and sign the first section of the Internship Request Form. If you are changing an internship provider in the current trimester, please attach a Change of Internship Provider form with Step 1 completed instead. These forms must include your current residential address where requested.

If you are requesting a New Internship Provider or Change of Provider, be sure that you have completed the evaluation section of your Request Form. (Note: You do not need to get a signature from ISO, faculty, or the RO before attaching these forms. The ISO will arrange this for you as long as your documents are submitted properly and follow the internship policy.)

Step 5:

Submission Form

Select from one of the forms below and attach your Request form, Offer letter, and Internship Cooperative Agreement.

Step 6:

Transfer out release date (For new students transferring to ITU from another U.S. institution)

New F-1 students who are transferring to ITU from another U.S. institution must have their F-1 SEVIS record released in SEVIS by the transfer release date given in your admission materials. Students who do not follow this requirement will have their internship start date delayed or the internship request itself may be denied.