WASC Confirms ITU Accreditation Status During Appeal
WSCUC latest Notification Regarding ITU Accreditation
When did WSCUC officially accredit ITU?
The first ITU cohort to receive a WSCUC-accredited degree graduated in December 2012. For more information on ITU’s initial accreditation date, please visit the WSCUC website.
“As of December 6, 2023, ITU is accredited by WASC, and remains so until any formal announcement of change in status by the WASC Commission.”
To see the public statement agreed to in writing by the executive leadership of both ITU and WASC, please click here.
Through its rigorous peer review process, containing 4 Standards, 39 Criteria for Review, and numerous best practices policies and expectations, WSCUC confirms that ITU possesses the resources, policies, and practices to achieve its educational goals and shows a dedication to the continual improvement and accountability of its programs.
There are different types of accreditation in the United States. Among these are regional, national, and programmatic. There are seven regional accreditors recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. For some 200 senior colleges and universities in California, Hawaii, and the Pacific Territories, that accreditor is WSCUC – WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC) (see .
Through its rigorous peer review process, containing 4 Standards, 39 Criteria for Review, and numerous best practices policies and expectations, WSCUC confirms that ITU possesses the resources, policies, and practices to achieve its educational goals and shows a dedication to the continual improvement and accountability of its programs.
WSCUC recognizes institutions that have met high standards of quality and effectiveness, in accordance with established, research-based WSCUC criteria. As a WSCUC-accredited university, ITU joins a wide array of institutions such as Santa Clara University, Stanford University, campuses of the University of California and California State University systems, and other world-class peer institutions accredited by WSCUC in providing quality higher education.
WSCUC accreditation also places ITU among the institutions in the U.S. Department of Education’s database of recognized institutions of higher learning and the Council for Higher Education Accreditation’s Listing of Accredited and Candidate Institutions (CHEA). For more information about ITU’s WSCUC accreditation, please see the FAQs.

Programmatic Accreditation
In addition to the university-wide accreditation represented by WSCUC, ITU’s business programs are accredited by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP). ACBSP was founded to create an accreditation process designed to fit the needs of business programs offered by colleges and universities by focusing on teaching and learning that occurs in the classroom. For more , please see ITU’s ACBSP profile.
Frequently Asked Questions
How does the WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC) decide whether or not to accredit a university?
Over a six-year period, important aspects of ITU’s educational and organizational performance were reviewed by a highly-qualified team representing ITU’s peer schools in the Western region. The WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC) found that ITU meets high academic standards in all of its graduate, doctoral, and certificate programs and continually seeks to meet the needs of students, parents, and employers as it delivers quality education in its electrical engineering, computer and software engineering, engineering management, international business, interdisciplinary sciences, and digital arts programs.
What does WSCUC Accreditation mean for International Technological University (ITU)?
Regional accreditation through WSCUC will mean increased recognition for ITU, among other WSCUC accredited schools in the region, as well as nationwide. WSCUC accreditation is generally perceived as particularly prestigious because of its rigorous and effectiveness-focused review processes.
WSCUC accreditation certifies that ITU meets high standards of academic quality and integrity and possesses the resources necessary to deliver its educational mission.
WSCUC accreditation means that ITU joins a highly-respected community of peer institutions in the region. These include major public and private schools as well as other schools respected in engineering, business, and digital arts. All WSCUC institutions seek to learn from each other and continually improve their educational effectiveness.
ITU is also now eligible to be included in national surveys/rankings of colleges and universities as well as directories that help students select colleges and graduate schools.
When did WSCUC officially accredit ITU?
The first ITU cohort to receive a WSCUC-accredited degree graduated in December 2012. For more information on ITU’s initial accreditation date and accreditation status, please visit the WSCUC website.
How does WSCUC accreditation affect current students?
WSCUC accreditation applies to all new and current students.
How does WSCUC accreditation affect alumni?
- WSCUC accreditation applies to degrees conferred December 2012 and later. Unfortunately, WSCUC accreditation is not retroactive beyond December 2012. This policy is dictated by WSCUC, not ITU. As such, we regret that ITU is not able to change or affect this policy.
- ITU alumni should be proud and confident that their degrees and programs are the same degrees and programs, which the WSCUC team reviewed during their rigorous evaluation process through the years. ITU has delivered high-quality education through its academic programs since its founding in 1994.
- If ITU alumni have any further questions, please contact an Admissions Representative.
Where can I find more information about WSCUC?
- ITU’s Accreditation Status is posted on WASC Senior College and University Commission directory.